Riley Merry Christmas Lollipop Sale - Dec. 4th to Dec. 13th or Until We Sell Out
- What
- Riley Merry Christmas Lollipop Sale - Dec. 4th to Dec. 13th or Until We Sell Out
- When
- 12/4/2023
MERRY CHRISTMAS LOLLIPOPS: Merry Christmas Pops and Color Explosion Pops are $1 each. Suckers will be for sale beginning Dec. 4 and last until Dec. 13, or until we sell out. You will submit your order form and money to your teacher and your teacher will get the order forms and money to Mr. Rassi. Mr. Rassi will fill your order and bring them around by the end of the day. If you do not have the money with your order form, then the orders will not be filled until we receive the money. Checks can be made to Akron Elementary School. All proceeds go to Riley Children’s Hospital.